There are so many apps out there for self help so I thought I’d make a list of the ones that my clients have mentioned or that have been mentioned by colleagues. I’m also trying out one myself at the moment and hope to add to this list. I have no affiliation with any of these apps by the way. They are purely the ones that I would feel safe recommending to clients or providers that I work with.
Buddhify – useful mindfulness app with realistic short chunks and a wheel with lots of different choices depending on which situation you are in.
Pacifica – a good all round CBT app, useful for helping to catch thoughts and feelings and check in throughout the day.
Silver Cloud – an online CBT program with modules that you can work through that help to give you lots of in-depth info about particular issues.
Headspace – the established favourite of the mindfulness apps.
Sleepio – a great app which discussed the evidence base behind sleep difficulties.
Catch it – developed jointly between the University of Liverpool and University of Manchester this is a great app for checking in with your mood and noting down what was happening at the time.
Which apps have you used that have been helpful?