I qualified as a CBT Therapist in 2001 and my core profession is as an Occupational Therapist. I also studied for a Psychology degree prior to my therapy training. Running alongside my therapy work and training I also have interests in arts and health and in creative practices. I have training in music and writing. You can see my creative training and interests on my personal website here. I have a passion for helping people to manage how they feel through creative methods.
I hold professional indemnity and liability insurance with BALENS and am registered with the Disclosure and Barring Service (previously known as the Criminal Records Bureau service).
Therapy Training
BSc (Hons) Psychology 2:1
BSc(Hons) Occupational Therapy 2:1
PG Diploma Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
PG Certificate Artists in healthcare settings
PG Diploma Integrative Arts in Health, Education & Community Settings
Diploma in Journal Therapy
EMDR Practitioner Training All Parts 1-4
IAPT Clinical Supervisor training
General Certificate in Online Counselling & Therapy Part 1 (ACTO) City & Guilds Teaching Adults in Further Education
Phase 1, 2 and Masterclass in Brainspotting Therapy
Elaine Aron Approved Therapist for Sensory Processing Sensitivity / HSP.
Introduction to Deep Brain Reorienting by Dr. Frank Corrigan
Emotion Regulation Therapy Training
Sound Therapy Level 1 Certificate – Sound Healing Academy
Other Qualifications
Here is my personal website where you can find more details on the qualifications and experience that I have in writing and sound.